More laser next week.
To be honest I'm really not sure if I'm seeing results. I want to say I have had 4 treatments now, and the best case scenario is 6 to have almost all your hair gone. To give the benefit of the doubt though, I'm not the best candidate to give an example. Laser likes light skin and dark hair the best, because there's a great contrast. The laser targets the pigment in the hair. I have light skin and blonde hair...that means hardly any pigment in my hair.
I hope to see results for real.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 10:42 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
So I forgot about my last laser appointment...silly me. I would have posted again by now. I have a new appointment this Friday though, so updates will happen then. The razorburn has been killing me in the mean time.
SO! How about some giveaways instead?
Nail Polish
*14 polishes, lip gloss, purse, and more - ends ?
*3 polishes and 4 eye shadows - ends May 21
*Mac lipstick or eyeshadow - ends June 4
*Tons of makeup - ends June 17
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 8:17 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
I just can't help myself...
This blog is slow, as I have said. So I will post some more fun giveaways that I have been into lately :D.
Nail Polish
*Huge China Glaze giveaway with multiple winners - ends 4/5
*Dark Divine purple nail polish, 3 winners - ends 4/4
Gift Cards
MAC or Forever21 $40 gift card - ends 3/31
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 8:12 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Shaving Woes?
Post your shaving woes ladies and gentlemen, because I sure complain about mine a lot.
Another good thing would be to post what helps you shave or remove you do it.
So I shaved again, because I do hate being all...well I think it makes me look bedraggled. I'm stuck between two ugly things: being hairy, and being covered with red bumps and being in pain. I tried shaving very carefully, only with the direction of the hair, only sweeping over one area like twice, etc. I mean the razorburn isn't as bad, but it's still pretty awful.
The way I get through it? Since I haven't found a good way to decrease or eliminate my razorburn...I just think towards the future about the results of my laser hair removal. It does take a while to get there though.
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 1:26 PM 11 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 11:51 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Treatment #2
I had my second treatment the other day! It was great. I got on a different machine this time with a fun cooling system. They put this stuff on the area that is much like ultra-sound gel that helps the light from the laser spread evenly and things like that. This other laser machine has a thing that blows out really cold air onto the gel and makes it really cold. This prevents a lot of the pain. It honestly doesn't hurt near as bad as one would think though.
As far as the underarms, there really isn't a lot there. It seems like she gets it done so quickly it doesn't even matter. For the bikini area, the crease of my leg hurts the worst. You can also get the perineal area done if you like, and that can be a "pain in the ass" lol.
I'm loving the treatments more and more. Whenever it feels like it hurts, I just think about how great it will be when I'm all done :D.
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 9:14 AM 6 comments
Sunday, January 31, 2010
So I shaved my bikini area again, and it sucked. I'm trying to shave it like I want it to end up after all my treatments, because you have to shave it before each treatment anyway. I also want to keep it the same way because it isn't like they will remember EXACTLY where the line is where you want the hair to stop.
I just get SUCH bad razor burn it's ridiculous. It hurts so bad to even walk or wear underwear (since they press in the creases of my legs where the skin is very sensitive and gets a lot of razorburn).
I don't understand how women do it! I mean, even right after you shave, you really can't get it all. It grows a little oddly, not as simple as leg hair, and there is pretty much always some stubble left. That isn't pretty, nor does it feel good to you or anyone else. But razorburn might look even worse.
Any shaving or hair stories ladies?
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 3:48 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Progress Pictures!
Here we go readers! My first progress picture. I know it really isn't exciting yet, but we have to start somewhere.
This is a picture exactly one day after shaving. It has been maybe 5 weeks since my first treatment. In the picture, there is absolutely no stubble yet, but you can really see the hair shadow. Actually, in the middle there is a funny fuzz blanket hair or something...totally not mine lol. There is also a little razor burn, which is normal for me. I'm excited about the future with no razor burn. It's painful and ugly!
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 1:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Just Wanted You to Know
I made a post for people to come check out my blog in The Coffee Shop and a few people said it sounded like an advertisement. I really really want to express that this is not an advertisement. I really and truly just want to tell people what laser hair removal is really like, good and bad. I was really afraid to get it done because I didn't know anyone who had had it done that I could trust and really ask. I swear to you readers, I will answer any questions you have truthfully and fully to the best of my abilities. I'm in this to spread the word and share my journey.
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
LHR Pictures!
I thought it would be fun to add some pictures. I'll do my best to add some of my own soon too.This dude, if you can read the post-its, is almost completely done after his second treatment. Amazing!
Here is an underarm shot. You can't even see the hair shadows...because they aren't there!! :D :D :D
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 12:03 PM 6 comments
Treatment #1
So after my first treatment on my underarms and extended bikini, I can already tell a little difference. Since I had the trial treatment on sort of the upper/top/front bikini area, it's the second one there. I think it's growing a good bit slower. As far as the underarms, I can absolutely tell a difference. I usually shave every other day since the stubble is pretty obvious. I have quite pale skin and my hair there is a medium brown. Seeing as though I look at my armpits every other day, when I went to shave them recently (maybe 3 weeks after the treatment when the hairs start showing a change) I immediately noticed they weren't as bad as usual. I waited another day, and then they were at the normal degree of stubble. So that means the hair is growing one day slower. That's already a 50% improvement. I can't wait until I never have to shave again!!
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 10:35 AM 0 comments
The Beginning!
So I have been thinking about getting laser hair removal for years now...
I have very sensitive,dry skin and am sometimes plagued by having Psoriasis. This makes shaving very difficult for me and always has. I get razor burn EVERY single time, and I really mean that. If you're a woman, then you definitely know that shaving is important. Having a hairy bikini area or underarms is not pretty, but neither is razor burn! It actually gets so bad it often hurts to walk when I shave my bikini area and the razor burn from shaving my underarms makes my lymph nodes swell painfully. I have tried everything I can think of. Just let me list it:
- Depilatories of many types
- Abrasion (kind of like sandpaper...yea)
- Shaving with shaving cream of many types
- Shaving with gel
- Shaving with lotion
- Shaving with conditioner
- Soaking in a tub before shaving
- Using a razor burn preventing shaving gel
- Putting lotion on afterwards
- Shaving only downward (which leaves stubble and still gives me razor burn)
- Plucking
- Waxing
- Nads...that green stuff like wax
I signed my life away a couple weeks ago and got my first real treatment since the trial I had done on part of my bikini area. I'm getting "extended bikini" and underarms done. We'll see how this goes!!
Posted by Painting Rainbows at 1:31 AM 0 comments