Monday, January 4, 2010

The Beginning!

So I have been thinking about getting laser hair removal for years now...
I have very sensitive,dry skin and am sometimes plagued by having Psoriasis. This makes shaving very difficult for me and always has. I get razor burn EVERY single time, and I really mean that. If you're a woman, then you definitely know that shaving is important. Having a hairy bikini area or underarms is not pretty, but neither is razor burn! It actually gets so bad it often hurts to walk when I shave my bikini area and the razor burn from shaving my underarms makes my lymph nodes swell painfully. I have tried everything I can think of. Just let me list it:

  • Depilatories of many types
  • Abrasion (kind of like sandpaper...yea)
  • Shaving with shaving cream of many types
  • Shaving with gel
  • Shaving with lotion
  • Shaving with conditioner
  • Soaking in a tub before shaving
  • Using a razor burn preventing shaving gel
  • Putting lotion on afterwards
  • Shaving only downward (which leaves stubble and still gives me razor burn)
  • Plucking
  • Waxing
  • Nads...that green stuff like wax
So I finally decided to try laser hair removal when I heard about American Laser Centers on the radio and called for information. They gave me (and offer to everyone) a free trial treatment with no strings attached. I have to say, it was AMAZING. I swear it was actually fun. I felt hopeful that my hair problems might finally be over. I felt excited about the future. I felt liberated!

I signed my life away a couple weeks ago and got my first real treatment since the trial I had done on part of my bikini area. I'm getting "extended bikini" and underarms done. We'll see how this goes!!